Sunday, 22 December 2013

Location Permissions

These are the location permissions, as York Road Primary school was unsuccessful in us not being able to use it we will use our school and dress up a set, we have agreed with the school already. As for the London location that would involve us having to pay an insurance fee that is not covered by school, so therefore we will replace this location with one in Swanscombe that is already obtained as a member of our group owns the property. These permission replies have helped in deciding the best and most suitable locations for us to use when we film the music video. This also helps in being prepared as we now know the locations we will use when we shoot.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Rough Cut Music Video

This is the Rough Cut of our Music Video. We all contributed to the creation of the Music Video, and edited individually. Sophie did the first 1 Minute of the editing, Deborah did the second Minute, and David the the remaining 55 Seconds. This clearly shows our skill in editing and how well we can edit.  

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Digi-Pack Rough

Initial Ideas

Originally, I wanted to use the lone pawn piece as the CD face, but it wasn't until I had fully constructed it, that I realized it would be better as a front cover. Below are examples of I constructed it on Photoshop. 

Final Cover (Draft) 

In the end, I chose to use the original images meant for the inside, for the outside part of the Digi-Pack. I felt it looked much more professional if it was done this way, as it invoked a sense of mystery and some sort of suspense in  the Image, and it can act as a Visual "story"of what may occur in the video. Moreover, the cover was chosen due to an idea i had. Since there was already a Sub-Culture of teens that are interested in the Twilight franchise, the cover may attract them especially, and boost both the Niche and the sales of the artist, if it were put on a CD stores shelf. 

Filming Evidence & BTS

Video Diary 2