Friday, 29 November 2013

Location Report (Reece's)

The tunnel has a dark sinister look whilst having sufficient lighting, few members of the public walk through so it is quite a suitable filming location. It also conveys the poor lower class look we are looking to show in the video through the protagonist (teenage boy). Its quite spacious whilst still remaining a normal sized tunnel and has an alleyway type of design. This enables us to not be limited with the types of shots we can do. The tunnel would also protect camera equipment in-case of rain. Depth of field can be used very effectively in this location, due to the narrow long appearance the tunnel has.

This is quite a film friendly estate in which also allows a large amount of light due to it being spacial and not too busy. Although next to a road, as we have no dialogue in our video this is not a problem. The estate also conveys the lower class look we are going for to represent where characters live in the video. The area is quite well lit in the night, and during the day we can use our own lights as well when lighting the set. We do not need to dress the set our physically put anything anywhere on the estate and this is helpful in not causing problems with residents of the estate.

Back-up Tunnel
This tunnel is very similar to the first one but is more brighter and in our music video it would be in-congruent to what we are visually going for with cinematography. We could still control the music videos lighting through our own lights but this would more difficult in comparison to our first choice tunnel. Like the first tunnel its visually good whilst still looking poor and dark. The tunnel would also protect camera equipment in-case of rain. Depth of field can be used very effectively in this location, due to the narrow long appearance the tunnel has. This area is also spacious in not limiting the types of shots we can do.

Back-up Estate
Although this estate is visually better in showing a lower class location, it has much more residents that will inevitably effect our filming. It is well lit, but certain shots like a straight mid shot on the estate is quite difficult due to its size, even with a tripod. This location is also very spacious, so even though it has more residents who will be walking around often, we could film certain parts in different parts of the estate.

The reece's done help in deciding which locations are suitable for certain scenes. This will help in locations representing the mood desired throughout the video. Also these locations can help in communicating messages to the audience in relation to characters, that might not necessarily get conveyed within the videos narrative.

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