The actual song is 4 minutes, 22 seconds which we take into account for planning out the video and the amount of footage acquired on the day of the shoot. As our music video will be a narrative that links to the song Clumsy by The Fergies it will progress through the child's abuse they suffer with continuous cuts to a chess board representing characters as chess pieces and each move correlating to the movement of the story.
This is just a rough plan/ idea that we see our music video following:
0:00 - 0:30: Multiple shots of the abused victim walking through the videos locations -
school, home,
· woods and a dark room. Also shots of people enquiring about the boys injuries in school to be shown.
0:31 - 1:01: The start of the revealing of the teenager being abused - first showing neglect from his mother and then an introduction to the physical abuse is shown from the father. Along with a few reaction shots from the boy and cross cutting with the chess board between narrative. As explained above the chess board concept is to have chest pieces that represent characters and as they move so does the narrative to represent these characters.

1:02 - 1:32: Continuation of the physical abuse and neglect the boy suffers from his parents with this and his negative emotions (reaction shots) escalating in intensity. More high angle shots of parents to show their power. School friends also begin to suspect something as boys injuries are more noticeable and common. Shot of boy crying in school whilst he isolates himself. Continuous cross cuts of chess board to go along with the narrative.A few lip syncs of boy singing lyrics from the song that are said as if they are part of a conversation with someone. Lyrics like: You'd show me your scars/ I could see they were deep/ I asked where you got 'em/ You said you were just clumsy; these are examples that can be lip synced as the boy is in conversation (maybe with a friend) and this can also go well with the videos narrative. This fits well as both performance and narrative complement one another.

1:33 - 2:03: More of a focus on the boy suffering from abuse he endures, and less action from the parents. Shots of the boy in a dark room and his mood of being distraught sees him shaking on the floor with the amount of fear he builds from what his parents might do next to him. Much more isolation with the boy crying in the woods and in his room which will be lit to provide a very dark look.

3:04 - 4:22: A mix of the boy seen rising above the abuse he suffers along with ambiguous symbolism. Shots of the pawn (representing boy) and the king (representing dad) and queen (representing mum) with pawn covered with red paint representing both life (colour of blood and fire) and death. Wide, long shot of boy walking through woods, a long shot so his facial expression is not revealed adding to the mystery on his status of being abused or not.
New ideas that will be in the video:
Flashing lights (police)
Police line being drawn
Blood on the floor
Boy (flashback) sitting on a checkered floor (similar to chess board)
Each character with their own chest pieces
Teacher moving chest pieces and mother goes to the school and sees teacher moving the chest pieces.
Boy goes to the kitchen to get a knife and walks into a dark room.
Completing this task has helped give me more of an idea on how our music video will look along with what we will be shooting that will create the narrative to our video.