Friday, 11 October 2013

Prop List

The Task:

In order to understand and assure ourselves with what we needed for our Music Video, I was tasked with setting up a list of everything that was necessary and essential before we began shooting. This allowed us to organise and evaluate what we needed, how we would be able to get it, and any necessary advantages or disadvantages we may have to face during or before the shoot.  Furthermore this task prepares us to be able to think ahead and plan, also demonstrating our analytical skills of what may or may not happen should we begin filming.

Chess Board

The chess board will be used as a catalyst (or rather, the symbolic item) to represent the actions that are taken by the characters. Each move will be planned and moved accordingly by an anonymous figure, who clearly is similar to an omnipresent being in the duration of the of the music video. The colour scheme (unlike that of the one presented in the picture) will focus on the aspect of black and white, to represent the stereotypical Good vs Evil scheme, so the black pieces represent bad, and the white, good.    


The Knife plays a key role during the conclusion of the music video. Its symbolism is one that reinforces its use in the video, an item of harm. Its use is significant as it will be the factor that contributes to the ambiguous ending of the music video. This one shot (or several) of the weapon will leave an open ending conclusion for the audience whether our main character has chosen to take his own life, or that of his fathers. Noticeably  I realised that there would be several problems in acquiring the knife, as it is (considered) a weapon under law. Taking it from one of our homes would (if it were discovered by the police) result in immediate arrest. In order to combat this issue, it would be better if we gained the knife through the school kitchens, and possibly (if it is needed) have a teacher supervise us as we use it. 

   Paint (Red) 

This will only appear towards the end of the music video (just like the knife) and will be used to represent some form of harm being done to a character, as it will be used (thrown on) a chessboard  This will further add an ambiguous feel and ending to the conclusion of the music video. Due to the anonymous implications of who has died in the music video, this will add further suspense to the conclusion.

Police Light

The police light, may be one of the hardest props for us to find.  Its significance will only appear in the opening of the music video. Acquiring a Police Light will be especially expensive, as it is not something that can be bought easily in stores, creating a problem for us. But there is a solution, it is possible to download apps online or on phones that create the same effect as an ordinary police light. This, even, makes it easier for us, as it will not be likely that one of us will leave our phone behind. And should this happen, it would better that all three of us download the app, thus preventing an accidental loss or forgetting to bring our phone. That way, we are all prepared.   


This will be significant almost throughout the music video, and demonstrate the violence in the main characters life. Moreover, they will add to the hyperreality of a working class background, in which the boy is living. Finding this will be both relatively easy, and difficult at once, carrying alcohol around during the day may prove quite dangerous, and we may be questioned for it. However, since the art room is full of such bottles, we can use those to our advantage, as it saves us from having to actually having to go out and buy the drinks. Moreover, if we use a scene in which a character is drinking, we can simply fill it with water, as quite a few alcohols share a physical resemblance to it.                                                             


This is by far the easiest and cheapest of all  items we will have in the music video. Since he is from a working class family, it will be notoriously easy acquiring this, as we would just need to use one of our own old bags to use for the video.   

Police Tape

This will be used in the opening of the Music Video also. This will further be used to let the viewer know that something has happened in the opening of the video. Finding this may prove hard, and will require us to actually pay for the tape, but it will be of definite importance in the music video. 

Skate Board

This will be, just like the bottles, a recurring item in the Video. And may demonstrate the boys only means of escape in the music video. This will also be an expensive item to acquire, as none of us (within the team) uses a skateboard.  If we cannot find a skateboard, we have suggested that as a compromise, we will use a bike instead.

White Tiles/Paper

In order to create a life-sized chessboard, we would need white paper/tiles to create an authentic and realistic look. This was to act as part of the inner conscious of our main character. This will be relatively easy to get a hold of, due to paper being a luxury most of us could afford. 

In conclusion, this task will help us understand what we need for our music video, and ensure that we do not forget what is needed when we start filming. Moreover, it will act as evidence that we have looked into and evaluated all in which we need to buy, and how we will work around any problems we may come across. 


This task was created by Deborah Akinkuolie. And I am in charge of gathering all of the props together. 

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