Saturday, 14 September 2013

Target audience analysis-social networks

The Task:

In order to have a wider understanding of the audience that The Fergies attract, I looked into how (as a group) their social networks present them, and what kind of people they attract in the process.   

One major example of this was on FaceBook. It became apparent, that their audience (age wise) where teenagers. Their age range (as the image suggests) is between the ages of 13-17, suggesting that they are rather young teens, reaching the peak of maturity. This creates the view that they are impressionable and vulnerable (those of 13) and (those of 17) are just on the verge of securing their identity. This created a clear view for us, the producers to find ways to appeal to the teenage audience and would benefit us as we (myself and the rest of my group) would understand what would appeal to them, due to us being the same age range (and to some extent) caliber as their Niche.    

Their Twitter, on the other hand, showed that they where quite popular, with more people following them than they are following another. Moreover, they seem to be quite active in their account, frequently updating at any given situation, and suggests, like most teens, they are 'addicted' to the internet and may be appealing to young people.  Moreover, their popularity may also be what young people may find attractive, and suggests that these individuals who like them, may like the prospect of being part of the "popular crowd" , further fuelling that idea that they may be insecure, and desire to be part of a unique group of people, and may try to emulate them in order to "fit in".
Furthermore, looking on their Instagram page, there was further evidence that they appealed to young girls especially. this is because there where several comments underneath that stressed how lovely certain members looked, or how they where an inspiration. Moreover, in pictures where one (or more) of the boys are seen, it commonplace to find girls (especially) commenting on their looks. This further fuels the idea that the main audience is teenagers, or more especially, teenage girls. 
Their own Youtube, stresses how much attention they get as a group, with over 1'000 people subscribing to this page alone, suggests that they have a rather wide Niche, in comparison to other artists, and suggests that they are dedicated to their music. 
Their own website is very simple, and not over complicated or too "flashy", creating a rather humbling look about them and their music. It is, also, very well organised with all the essentials needed for any Fan page, which further gives them the out look of well organised and influential group of young people. Which may (indirectly) influence other young people to aspire to be like them. 

In conclusion, in doing this task I have learnt the type of niche The Fergies attract, and in finding this out, i will be able to manipulate this information into incorporating our work (Digipack, Website and music video) around this, at a later date. This will allow us to understand and immediately apply what has been discovered. From all that I have seen, I have concluded that The Fergies Niche is somewhere between Scene Kids, and Hipsters, in that they have a unique look, and that they do not follow mainstream society. Furthermore, in the information i have gathered, it is clear that the Fergies are quite well established in their local music industry, and with their constant us of social media to help promote themselves, it is clear that they have used this to their advantage to build their Niche. Moreover, the fact that their Youtube page alone has so many views, likes etc, it emphasises (stereotypically) that their appeal is to Scene Kids, as they are especially addicted to social media, with Youtube a main hot spot.


This task was done Deborah Akinkuolie. 

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